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ATTAZoo+ (Annual License)

12,000.00 ฿117,600.00 ฿


More than 1,300 companies are using ATTAZoo+ in Japan!
ATTAZoo+ is a set of plugins that make Kintone operation more convenient.

Start your FREE TRIAL today!
*The trial version supports only in Japanese. If you need support, please contact us.

With ATTAZoo+, extending Kintone’s functionality is made effortless through simple mouse operations, eliminating the need for JavaScript or CSS customizations.

The plugins mainly help users in these 4 areas;

  1. Input Assistance
  2. Expression Assistance
  3. Updating Data within the App
  4. Updating Data between Apps

For more information, please visit here (Japanese site).

*Terms and Conditions*

  1. Contract Period
  • Delivery is expected to be about 2 weeks after ordering.
  • The period of this Agreement shall start from the separately agreed contract start date, and the expiration date of this Agreement shall be one year from the month following the month in which the delivery date of this Service belongs. However, if the above delivery date falls on the first day of the month (i.e., the 1st day), it shall be one year from the said delivery date.
  1. Conditions for Providing ATTAZoo+ License
  • Limited to use within the applied kintone domain.
  • The End Users cannot subscribe to each plan of “Entry/Standard/Pro” at the same domain at the same time.
  • One license can be used by up to 30 users (kintone users). Users include kintone guest users. There is no limit on the number of users if you subscribe to the Pro versions.
  • If the number of users exceeds the contracted number of licenses, ISAS will contact the customer. Also, if the domain information is not registered, ATTAZoo+ in use may be suspended.
  • License fee includes Thai/English support fee in principle.
  • The contract will be renewed automatically. If End Users wish to cancel the contract, please let ISAS know one (1) month before the contract expiration date.
  1. Plug-in List
    • Input support +/ Status update +/ Aggregate calculation support +/ Automatic numbering +/ Record copy +/ Lookup +/ Input conditions +/ Worker update +/ Simple search +/ Batch record update +/ Table data transfer +/ Dropdown Hierarchical Filter +/ Inter-app record update +.
    • The two functions “Dropdown Hierarchical Filter +” and “Inter-app record update +” are only available in the Standard and Pro versions.


  1. Operating Environment
  • Windows – Microsoft Edge/ Firefox/ Google Chrome * 7 functions are compatible with the mobile environment. (Input support +/ Aggregate calculation support +/ Automatic numbering +/ Lookup +/ Input conditions +/ Dropdown Hierarchical Filter +/ Inter-app record update +)
  • ATTAZoo+ supports Japanese and English environments. When users use kintone in an English environment, it will be automatically displayed in English.
  1. Others
  • Montly contract is available only for customers who have passed a certain period of time after purchasing kintone license. For more information, please contact us.

Please read the E-Commerce Terms of Use before purchasing.

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