Basic Technical Support (Annual Contract)

2,400.00 ฿


Get unlimited assistance for all your Kintone-related queries!

This Basic Technical Support Plan is designed to provide you with comprehensive assistance for all your Kintone-related inquiries. Whether you have questions about the functions and features of Kintone or need help troubleshooting issues, our dedicated support team is here to help.

Furthermore, there are no time limitations on the number of questions you can ask. We believe in providing unlimited support to ensure that you have the information and assistance you need, whenever you need it.

Please note that the Basic Technical Support must be purchased for all active users within one domain*.
e.g. If you have 5 active users, you have to have 5 Basic Technical Supports.
*[], [] “xxx” is the domain name.

This product is for an annual contract and applies per active user. A monthly contract is available under specific conditions. For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Please read the Terms of Use for Support Desk for Kintone and E-Commerce Terms of Use before purchasing.

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